16.1 Careers in Computer Science
CS20-CE1 Explore computer science related career paths in Saskatchewan, Canada and the world.
Poster Assignment
Create an eye-catching and informative poster about a career in computer science to be displayed around the school, to inform the school community about the range of careers in Computer Science. Think like a recruiter trying to advertise this career! Try to think outside the box, and consider a wide range of employment sectors!
Content Requirements:
- Career or Job Title – must be clear and prominent
- Engaging and Relevant images – can be photographs or other images/graphics that represent the job and tasks
- Overview of required education/training and skills for this career including needed programming languages
- Description of what the day to day tasks and responsibilities of this career
- Approximate pay scale (both entry-level and experienced level)
- A list of potential Saskatchewan employers
- At least 3 Pros and 3 Cons of this career, laid out in a table format so it is easy to follow
- Must include a TinyURL or a QR code that links to a website, document or video that viewers can follow to find out more about this career (or relevant educational programs)
Format Requirements:
- The poster must be formatted to be printed on 8.5x11 (letter) or 8.5x 14 (legal) size paper
- You must hand in a PDF (portable document format)
- Must include your name (first and last) and Computer Science 20 on the front of the poster in a way that is clear but not distracting
- All images must be properly attributed http://www.resource-media.org/giving-credit-where-credit-is-due-how-to-attribute-images-used-on-the-web/
- The poster should be visually appealing and try to “sell” the viewer on why they should look into this career (while giving a realistic picture of the job)
Helpful Resources
Student Examples
Assignment Rubric